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TEAORY Pomelo Blossom Oolong Tea Calming Body Lotion ⼀⽇茶道柚花烏龍舒緩潤膚乳

TEAORY Pomelo Blossom Oolong Tea Calming Body Lotion ⼀⽇茶道柚花烏龍舒緩潤膚乳


Pomelo Blossom Oolong Tea Calming Body Lotion


Ingredients | Green Grape Seed Extract, Black Tea Extract, Taiwan Rose Extract C


Under the bright green leaves, the clusters of small white flowers are particularly conspicuous. It is the beauty of pomelo blossom in March. Extracted from the fresh pomelo flower, the body lotion can soothe discomfort of skin. The tea extract and the moisturizing Taiwan Rose are better to restore the beauty of skin.


一日茶道 柚花烏⿓舒緩潤膚乳




油亮翠綠的葉⽚襯托下,叢簇的⼩⽩花格外顯眼,那是三⽉柚花盛開 的絕美景象。採自新鮮青柚精華,⽤以調理並舒緩肌膚不適現象;協 同美膚的紅茶及保濕效果絕佳的台灣玫瑰,重現肌膚健康之美。

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