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四元素廚餘升級再造手鏈 by OMG x Waysout

四元素廚餘升級再造手鏈 by OMG x Waysout


我們今年與 Ways Out Hong Kong 合作,為你帶來四元素廚餘升級再造手鏈- 由香港貧困婦女用食物垃圾手工製作和升級再造!


We are partnering with Ways Out Hong Kong this year to bring you 4 Elements Sustainable Bracelets - Handmade & Upcycled from Food Waste by Underprivileged Women in Hong Kong!



設計靈感Design inspiration

顏色是有能量的。它們可以影響我們的情緒,刺激我們的身心,使我們對事物和人的看法有所不同。每個星座都與一種元素(風、土、火和水)相關聯,同時亦與可見光譜中的特定顏色相關聯。因此,我們根據元素的顏色設計了 4 種顏色樣式,以助你與你相應的元素能量和表達方式作連接。選擇適合一個人的星座的顏色可以轉化為物質繁榮以及靈魂的普遍豐富。這些色調有助於舒緩心靈,保持專注,並提升行動力。你還可以購買組合套裝 (組合套裝可選擇1x手鍊, 1 x 十二星座水晶套裝). 為自用、朋友、節日、結婚、紀念之首選禮物。


Colors have power. They can affect our mood, stimulate us physically and mentally, and make us perceive things and people differently. Each zodiac sign is associated with an element (air, earth, fire, and water), and each one of them correlates to a specific color in the visible spectrum of light. These hues help in soothing minds, staying focused, and positively influencing actions to be victorious despite unfavorable, external situations.


Consistently choosing a color favorable to one’s zodiac sign could translate to material prosperity along with the general enrichment of the soul. Hence, we designed 4 color styles based on the elements' color to help you to align with the unique elemental energy and expression. You can also purchase the bracelet with our zodiac crystals set to further align your potential. The combo set includes 1 bracelet and 1 zodiac crystal.


十二星座元素Element group of zodiac sign

  • Earth (Yellow) - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 金牛座、處女座和摩羯座
  • Water (Blue) - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces巨蟹座、天蠍座和雙魚座
  • Air (Green) - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius雙子座、天秤座和水瓶座
  • Fire (Red) - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius白羊座、獅子座和射手座



關於Ways Out - Why buy with us?

通過收集果皮和未煮過的蔬菜殘渣的升級回收過程,Ways Out Hong Kong 的願景是通過以最具影響力的方式設計本地製造的珠寶,消除家庭食物浪費並提高公眾對此問題的認識。使用的手鍊豆是從有機和素食廢料中提取的生物環氧樹脂,作為珠寶的基礎材料。它含有 77% 的生物成分,不含雙酚 A

  •  所有手鍊均由年輕的單身母親手工製作,目標是為所有人提供可持續的生活方式
  • 香港純手工製造


Through the upcycling process of collecting fruit peels and uncooked veggie scraps, Ways Out Hong Kong has the vision to eliminate household food waste and raise public awareness on this issue by designing locally made jewelry in the most impactful way. The bracelets beans used are Bio-epoxy derived from organic and vegan waste as the base material of our jewelry. It has 77% bio-content and is BPA-free.

  • All bracelets are handcrafted by young single mothers with the goal of a sustainable lifestyle for all
  • #MadeInHongKong



產品詳情 Products Details


  • 從西葫蘆皮、火龍果、蝴蝶豌豆、檸檬皮作升級回收珠形 Upcycled out of zucchini peels, dragon fruit, butterfly peas, lemon peels
  • 金字塔立方體珠子尺寸 Bead sizes: 0.9cm x 0.9cm x 0.9cm (small)
  • 手腕尺寸可調節(最大 23.3 厘米) Wrist size: Adjustable (max 23.3cm)
  • 串線材質:綠紅-18k金手鍊//藍黃-豆金手鍊 String material: green and red - clean 18k gold bracelet // blue and yellow - the bean gold bracelet
  • 每個手鍊都配有一個肥皂袋 Packaging: Each bracelet will come with a soap bag


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